Sunday, February 7, 2010

luck continued...

I forgot to put the super awesome good luck that had originally inspired this post, but somewhere along the way forgot about. As far as my car goes I normally get screwed. I end up paying much more for parking tickets and for repairs then I would have originally thought, but all in one day I got lucky. I told you that I was running late for my test and parked in a spot which I don't have a permit for, but I didn't tell you that when I came out and I DIDN'T get a ticket!! Wahoo!! That has never happened to me ever!(I've done it a lot and have always gotten a ticket, I should just buy a permit I know) But I was sooo happy that karma gave me a break! Then my check engine light had been on for like three weeks so I decided to finally take it in. My mom and I went shopping while they checked it out and when we went back my car guy(I don't know his name, but I go to him for all car issues) he came up to me and was like "a tube popped off, but I just stuck it back on and I changed a blinker bulb so the keys are in the car and you're good to go" and I was like "Well that awesome how much do I owe you?" and he said, "Nothing your good" and I was completely flabbergasted because since when do car people give you anything free? so I asked, "Are you sure?" and he rolled his eyes and told me very nicely to get in my car and go home. I was so happy! What a nice surprise. Anyway, there was more good luck then i had orignally told you and I wanted to share. have a good day.


Becky said...

Was this car guy young and hot?

Anonymous said...

Hooray! That is good news! Congrats :)

Spratt said...

I like Becky's comment. I think it's pretty common for attractive women to get breaks on stuff like that. But then again, sometimes you hear about women getting taken advantage of by mechanics who assume they don't know anything. Anyway, lucky you!

Anonymous said...

thanks !! very helpful post!