Saturday, November 21, 2009

Alright peps I've decided what to do with my life for the next two years (once again) and I am going to stay with my psychology major and minor in family studies. I think those two go hand in hand (well with my psychotic family at least (: ), so hopefully I will be able to be graduated by May 2011!! Woot Woot! Thats all.


Stout Family said...

HALEY I MISS YOU!!!!! Um I will be graduating the same time! Plus then I still will do one year of online classes HA. Who knew we'd be slow w/ this whole college growing up thing. We were so the first ones done as kids. Good plan, I'd love to have you psycholanalyze me. Plus, if people were like depressed & telling you their problems you could just make fun of their pathetasism and make them laugh. Laughter is the best therapy. Go get em.

Ryan & Holly Willard said...

Man, you really want to be me. First you go to SUU and now you are studying psychology. J/K I'm so excited, you will be great in the field.