Monday, November 23, 2009

More Awkwardness...

I know, me and even more could that have happened? I don't know why awkward things tend to happen to me, but oh well they keep life interesting right? So today I was in my microbiology class and I've already told you about the loud laugher right, so this story is about the same kid. I was taking notes and I got that feeling that someone was staring in my general direction so I look over and this kid is staring at my notes, which a normal quick glance would be fine, but he kept staring and staring. I finally just stared at him until he realized he was being weird and turned away. A minute later the girl sitting next to me started laughing I and I look over and he's staring at my stuff again! So I stared at him again and then he stopped ...again. Things seem to be back to normal and class was going on as boring as always when out of the corner of my eye I see him shove (this is not an exaggeration) his finger as far up his nose as possible and then moves his finger around for probably a solid minute and then wipes his finger on his pants! Sick! I wanted to puke! To top it all off we were talking about good hygiene and washing your hands a lot to avoid airborne illnesses. ha! what a strange day.


TheCoys said...

Haha, that's really funny. And ironic.

Tibi said...

Haha! What a freak! I love reading your blog. You post the funniest stories! I love it! (:

Stout Family said...

Hahah what the heck? Where do these weirdo boys find you!

Spratt said...

That's really bizarre...and gross! I guess some people just don't understand basic social conventions. That really is a funny story. I once knew a kid in my old family ward who would pick his nose and eat it right in the middle of sacrament meeting. I really wanted to leave the meeting a few times because I was so grossed out!